The Garrards Blog


Business has taken me far and wide, being able to see the world and a ray of cultures and people.  Travelling was always something I loved to do, I think it’s the Australian way, we’re not afraid to broaden our minds and horizons, interact and connect.  I’m grateful to live in this multicultural country, full of diverse people and opportunities.  There are moments in time and events that occur that we will never forget. Most Important Events of the Century, we recall exactly where we were and what we were doing when world changing events happen.

Ways to Double Your Customer Base

Double the volume of business clients or customers within a single month by following simple but highly effective steps to generate leads and successfully convert them into paying customers.  The secret to a truly successful business lies within a keen understanding of the needs and desires of the market – and it is ultimately individual people who constitute that market.

Recession-Proof Your Business

How to survive and thrive, no matter what the economic outlook.

Why some businesses thrive while others implode during an economic recession remains a puzzle to many business-owning entrepreneurs. Some mistakenly assume that all businesses must suffer through recessionary cycles.  But the fact is that some companies are essentially recession-proof, and it is not necessarily because they are bigger, better known, or more generously capitalized.

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

“Clients do not come first, Employees come first.  If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients” a statement made by Richard Branson that has never been more true to the point. 

We all want to feel confident and competent in our work. Much of that confidence will come from putting in the time and attention that is needed to do a good job, being open to learning and development, and having a healthy level of self awareness.

8 Reasons To Hire A Business Coach

Every athlete and every top performer uses a coach to bring out their best. Why don’t you?

A business coach can help you move from where you are to where you want to be, and does so by solely focusing on your goals.  If you are not clear on your vision, then every single opportunity will distract you and delay your progress. There’s a common saying that goes, “nobody is smarter than all of us.” In other words, the collective power of many is far superior to the single power of one, which speaks to the value a coach. Sometimes it takes a new perspective to see an existing connection.